The NUL ERC and BBCDC team once again rubbed shoulders with LETSEMA Project partners in Finland exploring digital and blended learning pedagogies for contextualization and implementation in the NUL MSc. in Sustainable Energy programme and new Sustainable Energy Micro-credentials to be developed at BBCDC. Through interactive discussions and visits to University of Turku, Aalto University and the Climate University and Innovative Learning Spaces at the University of Helsinki, ERC devised its preliminary blended learning model which will gradually be implemented within the MSc and the Micro-credentials programmes.
Cognizant of the energy industry needs in Lesotho for practical training and transition to online teaching and learning following Covid-19 pandemic, the ERC is grasping onto digitalization to equip the MSc. in Sustainable Energy graduates with industry-standard skills and competencies. BBCDC will also develop Sustainable Energy Micro-Credentials, in collaboration with ERC, to provide the right combination of validated vocational skills through short, technical and practical training that prepares trainees for work in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector. The proposed blended learning model will include self-paced online pre-reading materials (lecture notes and videos), online quizzes, face-to-face interactive clinics as well as collaborative group exercises, labs, case studies and role plays, etc. and individual mini projects at NUL and real-life installations at BBCDC to hone in the learners’ digital, teamwork, innovative and practical skills.
From the Futures of Natural Resources Conference, ERC and BBCDC team gained skills in developing learner-centred and engaging teaching material for blended learning based on AI-powered future studies. Exposure to these state-of-the art research and learning from our network is continuously being instilled in our students and staff through the annual Students and Staff Exchange Programs, establishing a future-oriented skillset in Lesotho.