LETSEMA project organises hybrid trainings with master’s students on MSc Sustainable Energy 

The training took place 7-11 October 2024 in collaboration between National University of Lesotho, University of Turku and Linnaeus University. LETSEMA project team pilots a new approach on intensive course delivery with students while revising the Energy Planning and Policy course. Instead of students being following the lectures provided by the teachers, students are given all the electronic lectures in advance (pre-reading) with the recorded lecture videos, and then during the face-to-face week, summary presentations and discussions are carried out on the main points together with exercises. This approach allows students work on their course work and  demonstrations in the afternoons with teacher facilitation. The course was organised in hybrid mode with international guests from Finland Futures Research Centre and Linnaeus University facilitating sessions on Global energy drivers and EnergyPlan, Urban Energy Modelling and Energy scenarios and long-tem planning.   All electronic notes on the sub-topics were made available in advance to utilise the time to highlight the main issues with simulated illustrations and engage interactively with the students on the content.

Joni Karjalainen delivering his presentation in the online workshop.